Trafalgar Stainless Steel Access Panels are manufactured in Australia and provide durable high corrosion resistant access into walls, ceilings and service shafts. Corrosion-resistant and easy to clean and sanitise, they are suited to external areas, kitchens, food processing, and hospitals with a modern and attractive appearance.
- Suitable for external areas
- Stainless steel frame and door panel
- Durable interchangeable cam locks
- Single and double door options
- Flange options
- Lock options
- Made locally & fully customisable
- When installed, Stainless Steel Access Panels sit flush with the surface leaving a neat opening around the perimeter
- They are secured with a Silver Square Allen Key Cam lock as standard (Key cam lock – security, Kaba Nightlatch, Lockwood 201 or Concealed Touch Latch as optional)
- They can also be purchased in a non-lockable form that features concealed touch latches (please note locks are not stainless steel)